Look out for your invitation to an informative and entertaining evening as we delve into the traditions and vibrant community of the Worshipful Company of Insurers.

The event offers an exclusive opportunity to demystify and explain the City of London Livery Company movement and the insurance industry’s own Livery, the WCI.


This event is for non-members of the WCI but targeted at insurance professionals who have researched the WCI or attended a WCI / iWIN event and who are keen to learn more about how to get involved.


Register to discover the endless (and often surprising) possibilities for personal and professional enrichment with the Worshipful Company of Insurers.

Reserve your spot today.

Thank you to Allied World for sponsoring and hosting this event. Please be sure to bring photo ID with you on the day to speed up your entry at reception.

Ready to book?

Please complete the booking by clicking the button opposite and secure your place(s). Places may be limited so please book early.

Price: FREE

Book Now

If you would like to find out more about our membership please click here.

Further information on membership can be obtained from the Clerk to the Company at